Thursday, June 14, 2007


How would Rumi want his biography related? Through a fat woman who makes you hold hands in a dark room so that the word community can be stuffed down your throat and washed down with curdled proclamations of the word "Love," like it means something?

Or is it possible that Mawlānā Jalāl-ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī would relish how Westerners can't pronounce his name. Is it possible, that his understanding of the divine could be more clearly communicated through a night time sand whirlwind during which a giant rod of lightening struck, and in striking created from its' immense heat a glass bowl of sand which could afterward only continue to spin around like a dreidel. God's very own play thing which would be whipped around until he grew bored.

Happening upon that glass dreidel, divine, squinting through the places where there was only enough sand to make a small hole and peaking inside one could see various items trapped inside. A woman is sitting upon her horse, still comfortable as if the storm had not even touched them. It seems they must have emanated from the lightening. The woman holds a candle which seems not to flicker and in the light of it you can see that the coat of the horse and that of the woman seem to from the same seed for the color is impeccably matched.

It is possible that he would not wanted his life admired by mere holding of hands. By egotistical pattings on the backs of each other, or by hymns rewritten with attempted-divine words filled with emptiness. It is possible

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow. I was gonna suggest, given your disinclination to write, that perhaps you/we tackle Rumi rather than the deficiencies of Unitarians. Seems that's unnecessary. It may be that no one but me realizes you're talking about the abject failures of Unitarianism, but since this whole project is for you and me, that entirely suffices, and I do and sincerely thank you for writing. I loved your perspective. Rumi would not scold these feeble congregants, I suspect, he would just laugh and walk away. As shall we. Except that I still have to write my own entry...