Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What She/Someone Wrote A While Back...

I think I finally understand something about religion. I think trying to find a religion that fits you is like trying to find a pair of pants that fit you right and you like.

Different people need different pants, but they're all still right about which pants are right for them. So even if someone thinks that someone else's pants are ugly, they can both be right about the pants.

When you're little you just wear whatever pants your parents put on you because you don't know or care. But when you grow up you have to figure out which pair of pants fits and looks best on you. And that's the most confusing time. Then once you figure it out you can wear the pants that you like all the time.

This is, unless you change (loose weight etc.), and then you might have to buy different pants but you can still get them in the same style. It kind of sucks to have to go and buy new pants because then you have to shopping, and you know how I feel about that.

I guess the important thing is that it doesn't matter what kind of pants you wear as long as you don't make other people wear the same kind of pants since the pants only perfectly fit them self. And we can't all wear the same pants cause they won't fit and it would be really boring if everyone looked the same. And I guess people just have to remember that even if some pants are really ugly in their eyes, what do they care? because their own pants look good on themselves, and who cares about someone else's pants.

I don't know what you'll think of this. but I always make big problems small things, 'cause otherwise I don't understand them, but I do understand pants. Maybe you could ask your Bible teacher or whoever might have a good opinion about this idea for me.


cityzenart said...
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cityzenart said...

its called Moral Relativism